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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My 7th follower

Hello I would like to dedicate the next two days to my loyal public because I finally got my 7th follower. So whatever you post as a comment I will copy and paste and make a post on blog. hip hip horray all so the wall of shame wall of fame will be added to my blog


  1. Dear River, hey it is Jianna. The one you wrote about in your accapella group. You are sitting next to me. Hi! Bye!

  2. hi rio this is wilson i did not comment on anything and i am cross the room from u

  3. Dear River, how about our accapella group's name is Spaivanna! It is a great mixture of River Maya Spencer and Jianna. Why don't you post it as a poll? That seems like a fine idea. What would you all think? As in River's followers.

  4. i voted that Prunedale is for the clinically insane
